Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences


Symposium on Close Relations

There is almost no field, is not affected by digitalization and AI. Romantic relationships are also affected by digitalization. At the Close Relationships Symposium at Altınbaş University, the effects of social media on romantic relationships discuessed.

What is Autism and How Much Do We Know?

Participating in Altınbaş University Wednesday Meetings, Tohum Autism Foundation R&D Manager Dr. Nursinem Şirin explained the misconceptions about autism; "Today, we can say that Van Gogh and Mozart had autism."

What Should be the Method in the Fight Against Inflation?

Altınbaş University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of Economics analyzed the exchange rate - interest rate - inflation relationship.

30.8 Percent of Female Employment is Unregistered

On May 1, while workers' struggle for rights and labor was being discussed, the book "Women Surfs of Labor" published by Altınbaş University Publications revealed the inequality and rights violations experienced by women workers.

Psychology and Sociology programmes were accredited by FEDEK.

Psychology and Sociology programmes were accredited by FEDEK.

Teknofest - Technological Applications in Psychology first EVA PSY

Teknofest - Technological Applications in Psychology first EVA PSY